English Language Arts

"It is the writer who might catch the imagination of young people, and plant a seed that will flower and come to fruition."
- Isaac Asimov

During the Year

This is the page for the English Language Arts course. This course takes place from 11:00-12:30. This will be after Math and before lunch so stay on top of it so we can make it to lunch time.

We will have a lot of fun this year finding old literature for the classics and discovering new literature. There are many new thrills, rides, and journeys we will be taking from learning the life of Pip in Great Expectations to experiencing the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. We will travel through time, space, and the world this year through the lives of fictional and nonfictional characters.

If anyone needs help with any lecture material please let me know and we can schedule a time after school to meet. Materials will be posted on here from lecture as well to help keep a reminder of what we are doing in class. This can also be review for the next tests.