
         "Education is the most powerful
 weapon which you can use to change the world."
                                                                                                                                  - Nelson Mandela

           Here We Go

This is where all the information that does not fit into the other tabs go. This is where things like newsletters will be or school closing. There is a wide array of things in here and if you need any help, my email is here. Email me if you want to set up a conference after school. I have conference time from 12:30 until 1:30 and 3:00 until whenever with appointment. 

We are devoted to a great year and some great memories. We encourage parents to be involved too to encourage the students too. There will be many things I need parents to volunteer for. 

If any one needs lecture notes or anything else, my email is always available and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Just keep in mind that during the day I am teaching and I am not staring at my email every second of the day. Also, remember that I have a lot of papers to grade too and I do not do instant messaging. I will try to get back to you as fast as I can.

Here is a visual of what our classroom looks like


                        What we need


Time                                                                                                   Where Am I?
8:00-9:30                                                                                                    Science
9:30-11:00                                                                                                        Math
11:00-12:30                                                                                                          ELA
12:30-1:30                                                                               Lunch/Conference
1:30-3:00                                                                                        Social Studies
3:00-3:30                                                                                             Conference

Also, here is a link to my email. 
